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  • About dr. april moreno



    With over fifteen years of experience in organizational research and culture, Dr. April Moreno Consulting provides services in strategic planning design, organizational research, and training in diversity and inclusion.

    Also featuring podcast strategy and implementation consulting services. From the formation of your idea, strategy, implementation, and marketing, we are available to support your podcast at every step.

    About Dr. April Moreno

    Dr. Moreno is a healthcare and strategy consultant based in Southern California.  With a range of training in Cultural Anthropology (BA and MA), Public Administration/Public Sector Leadership and Management (MPA), and a PhD in Health Promotion Sciences/Information Systems and Technology, Dr. Moreno is trained and experienced in serving nonprofit, government, clinical, and educational settings in the United States, Japan, and the UK.



    Supporting a culture of healthy organizations through research, strategy, and education.

  • Portfolio

    Case Studies, Projects, and Presentations Conducted by Dr. April Moreno

    Usability Research and Design:
    GIS Web Application

    UX Case Study and Assessment

    Working across four sectors (university, nonprofit, private consultant, and federal government), I participated in UX research focus groups, assessment, and identifying the conceptual design specifications of an online GIS platform for the EPA Brownfields to Healthfields project with Los Angeles County community clinics.


    Click Here for the Published Report


    Understanding Minority Multiple Sclerosis Patient Preferences for Research Participation

    ACTRIMS 2018 Poster Presentation

    As a member of the Minority Research Network for Multiple Sclerosis, I conducted a study on the various levels of online research network participation and minority perspectives on participation. The objectives were to understand diverse patient views of research studies, what encourages/discourages them from participation, and and identifying key factors to encourage participation. The poster was presented at the 2018 Americas Conference for Research and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis and I was awarded a Student Grant for participation.

    Click Here to Access the Poster Presentation

    Usability Needs Assessment: Alliance for Research in Hispanic Multiple Sclerosis Website

    Usability Assessment

    I created a usability assessment for the ARHMS website for USC and afilliated university institutes:


    Click Here for the Presentation


    Design of a Public Health Interoperability Matrix

    Qualitative Report

    As part of my dissertation I conducted semi-structured interviews to design a Public Health Interoperability Matrix, identifying 6 levels of interoperability maturity and what this would look like for public health agencies seeking to improve interoperability across health systems.


    Click Here for the Interoperability Matrix

    EHR Data Quality Assessment

    Qualitative Report

    For my dissertation research, I conducted a qualitative assessment of EHR data quality across three sectors in Southern California: Health insurer, public health, and clinical sectors.

    Click Here for the Report

    Strategic Planning and Implementation Tracking: LA County Public Health

    As part of LA County Substance Abuse Prevention and Control, this was an ongoing project of strategic planning and implementation tracking across the department.



    Optometry Service Learning and Care Coordination

    Western University and YWCA San Gabriel Valley

    As a consultant of the YWCA San Gabriel Valley, I conducted this assessment for Western University and the United Way to identify patient demographics, health needs, and conduct patient care coordination.



    Strategy for Healthcare and Health Equity

    Workshops and Training Sessions


    • Strategic Planning and Implementation
    • Policy Analysis/White Papers
    • Performance and Quality Improvement
    • Strategic Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment
    • Social Media, Podcast Design and Marketing


    • Patient/Stakeholder Interviews and Focus Groups
    • Community Based Participatory Research/Public Participatory Research
    • Qualitative Research (design, data collection, analysis, and presentation)
    • Research Recruitment to reach Diverse Communities (race/ethnicity, disability, LBGT, etc.)


    Workshops and Training Sessions

    • Cultural Competency and Health Equity
    • Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
    • Disability and Invisible Illness Awareness
    • Integrative Wellness
    • Data Collection, Metrics, and Evaluation
    • Podcast Workshops
    • Community Based Participatory Research


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    Visit the podcast: Healthcare Strategy and Culture, a Podcast of the Public Health Podcast and Media Network

  • Blog

    News, updates and experiences in healthcare research and strategy.

    August 8, 2019 · GIS,conference,User Research
    I have attended at least five ESRI Conferences over the years. And this year, having completed my postdoctoral fellowship, I attended the ESRI User Conference (ESRI UC) with a very new perspective. I began thinking more about the term User Conference and the user experience of Geographic...
    June 26, 2019 · uxresearch,conference,inclusivedesign
    As soon as I found out about the Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2019) conference, and hearing that it was taking place in San Diego, I was excited to attend a one-day workshop on Inclusive Feminist Design. It was a wonderful experience which I highly recommend. The conference was at one of...
  • Contact april moreno consulting

    Let's discuss your next strategic planning or user experience project: